
Showing posts from September, 2021

Not Every Narrow Road is the Way of Jesus

I've noticed an interesting trend developing over the last 12-18 months. In Matthew 7, Jesus invites us to a "narrow way" in pursuit of the Kingdom of God. Spending time in the Gospels reminds us of how countercultural this way truly is. The picture Jesus paints of this Kingdom that rejects oppression and coercion while uplifting the meek and downtrodden. This Kingdom seeks reconciliation and forgiveness when circumstances might push us towards revenge. The way of Jesus is genuinely narrow because it flies in the face of what has become human nature. The way of Jesus is narrow, but not every narrow way is the way of Jesus. Just because a concept is countercultural doesn't make it right or good or holy.  A growing movement appears to have gained a foothold within the Church that assumes that all countercultural movements are Jesus' movements. This assumption is a massive misstep that not only adds division within the church but taints our public witness to the wo